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Dec 24, 2009

Meeting Location

I have put together this map to evaluate our options for where the January meeting should be held.

The orange symbols represent where the five people that will be attending the winter trip live.

The green dot is the original proposed location.  As you can see, from strictly a geography standpoint, it makes little sense to hold the meeting there.

The pink dot is the location where it would be an equal drive for each of the participants.  The pink dot is not located close to any one person, but it would be equally inconvenient for all.  The location of the pink dot is just outside McCarthy Lodge at Stearns.

In statical analysis, it is often times necessary to remove any data points that fall outside the standard deviation.  For that reason I removed the orange symbol in St. Cloud to come up with the location that is the most convenient for the greatest number of people.  This dot, the blue dot, is located in Roger Miller's front yard.

I hope this information is useful as we look to plan our meeting.


  1. where ever we end up i hope we can discuss all the important topics we have.

  2. Awesome. Way to pull geography into the discussion. I could do a kriging spatial analysis to find the exact middle grond between all location points, if it comes to that.

  3. Jim, I think that would be great! I am very limited with the tools I have to work with and bringing a professional into the mix would help us a lot.
