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Jan 25, 2009

bwcaw feb trip 09

I just got off the phone with Ryan. The last weekend in February works for us. We are planing on telling our employer on Monday the 2nd that we need Friday February 27th through Monday March 2nd off.

I will be calling all T.E.A.M. 42 members this week to see who can join us.

BWCAW Winter '09

Hey guys,
If we're going to take a trip to the BWCAW in February then we need to pick a date really soon. I'm going to have to ask for work off within the next week. Either of the last 2 weekends in February will work for me. What does anyone else think?

Jan 14, 2009

MSR fuel Bottle

somewhere in T.E.A.M. 42 country there are 2 MSR fuel bottles with Fenhaus written on them. Of the big and a medium size. If anyone has any information to the location of these bottles that leads to a reunion with the owner there will be a fine reward.