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Aug 22, 2008

Uhhhh... is anyone else sick?

Well... I'm not really "sick" sick, but I do have some symptoms of giardia (which takes around 10 days to incubate). I went to the clinic today and in about a week we will see the verdict. I'm hoping the UV pen did not fail me on the last expedition, because I'm worried about drinking that dead dog ash water.

Anyways, I am reassigned to my post at Team Forty Two: North for the next four months. And upon finishing school, I will return to Team Forty Two: South.

Aug 6, 2008

Team 42 - This Weekend

Team 42 South will meet at Team 42 Expedition Headquarters at 3:30pm on Friday. Team 42 Fargo will have to meet a little earlier.

A 3:30 departure time from T42HQ puts us at the trailhead at 7:30. I'm proposing that we just set up camp there for the night. We can meet at the trailhead and then either have dinner there or head to the bar/grill in Finland for dinner. I'm good either way.

To get to the trailhead from Hwy 61 (Revisited):
Head North of Silver Bay
Turn Left on County Road 6
Follow for several miles (you will pass a trailhead off of County Road 6, this is not us!)
You will go for what seems like forever
At the Stop Sign in Finland turn Right on Highway 1
Turn Right on County Road 7
Arrive at trailhead

We'll be hiking North, we can be flexible with our distance because there are a ton of campsites along this route, so I say we just go until we're tired.

Weather looks good (maybe some rain on Sunday). Lows are in the 50's, so feel free to leave your heavy fleece at home!

UPDATE: Just so you guys know as you are packing, there will be water available every two miles or so during our hike.