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Jan 30, 2008

Jan 30th meeting

was a great success, thanks to all who contributed!

Jan 29, 2008

Planning/Getting Through the Ice

Sorry I haven't been very involved in the planning. Besides being across the state, I've been incredibly busy. However, I do have something to fulfill my role of getting through the ice quickly.

Power auger works great, however it's noisy and is not allowed where we are going. Therefore the best bet is to use a hand auger or an ice chisel. I heavily favor the chisel. I think it works better and is a lot more fun. Plus it can be used as a flag pole if we find any weather balloons.

Of course, if you want to get through the ice really quick, there's always dynamite

See you out there

Jan 27, 2008

Team 42 Meeting & Video Conference 1/30/08

(pre-meeting) Log onto Video Conferencing

I. Call to Order
II. Plan Route
III. Dinner and CPR education
IV. CPR Skills practice
V. Ice Safety
VI. Travel Arrangements (time of departure, car pooling, etc)
VII. New Business
VIII. Schedule Next Meeting
IX. Adjourn

Meeting will begin at 6:00 pm sharp. All off site participants should log on five to ten minutes before the start time. The meeting will conclude at 9:00pm

Jan 21, 2008

CPR Training

As I've been going through some research on cold weather water accidents, the threat of cardiac arrest has become very apparent. There are stories of people that were in the cold water for up to an hour that were resisted. I would like train everyone on the Team in CPR at the meeting next week. I have all of the necessary materials to conduct training. If you were trained in CPR previously, forget what you learned! CPR has changed significantly since 2005 and with the changes have come increases in survival rates. The regular CPR training is a 4-8 hour class, but I think we could cover the fundamentals in a much shorter time. Remember that doing something is better than doing nothing, but everyone in the Team should be equally proficient.

I have obtained maps for the area that we are considering. Just by a quick glance we have many options if we take the North East route. I also have maps of Isle Royale for the spring trip.

SB has said she will make dinner again for us.

I would also like to move the meeting time up to five or six to allow more time for CPR training. Let me know.

Jan 18, 2008


How to Aid in your own rescue.
2. Leave all layers on. Your clothing will actually help you float.
3. Turn around and face the direction you were coming from. This ice supported you weight once before.
4. Lay you hands flat on the unbroken ice.
5. Kick and pull to work your way back on ice. If clothing is water logged, you may need to pause half way out to let your clothing drain.
6. Once you're out of the water, DO NOT STAND UP! Stay lying down and roll away from the hole. This is the best way to spread out your weight.

How to pull someone out of the ice.
1. Do not run toward the victim. The ice could break under you as well.
2. Victim needs to unhook sled they are pulling by themselves immediately after falling in. The sled will only make it more difficult for rescue.
3. Let victim know you are trying to help.
4. Throw floatation device to victim to aid to their floating/swimming.
5. Reach out to victim with ski poles while lying down on the ice to distribute your weight. -OR- Throw rescue rope out to victim and use others to help pull victim out of water.

Official Task Dividing Procedure for Team 42

The following shall be added to the Team 42 bylaws:

Section 1 Number of tasks to be divided
When it is decided that a serious of tasks must be completed, the number of tasks must be equal to, double, tripled and so on to the number of Team 42 Members, plus any expedition guests that will be attending an expedition.

Team 42 Members that are not going on an expedition and/or are not present when tasks are divided are still assigned tasks according the task dividing procedure.

If Team 42 has one guest attending the expedition, the number of tasks may be as follows:

The number of assigned tasks may never be more than 42. 36 tasks are not allowed, since the group is that close to 42, additional tasks must be created to increase the number of tasks to 7.

If the tasks dividing only involved the five members of Team 42, the rules shall remain consistent (5, 10, 15, etc.), up to 30. If the number of tasks exceeds the number 30, a total of 42 tasks must be created with the extra tasks going to Jim. Jim will hold multiple positions in the tournament (as outlined below) to determine positioning.

Section 2 Participation in Meeting
Those Team Members (regardless of their participation in the event) and Expedition Guests that are not at a Team 42 meeting will forfeit each of their order deciding contests. Members that are present do not have the authorization to pick a task for members that are not present, as they will still be assigned tasks in accordance with this procedure, only each contest in which their participation is required will result in a loss.

Section 3 Score Keeper
One Team member will be designated as the official Score Keeper. The Score Keeper must be a member of Team 42. Expedition Guests are NEVER allowed to be the Score Keeper.

The Score Keeper will be determined as follows:
Each member of Team 42 will have 42 seconds as judged by the official Time Keeper (see Section 4). During the 42 seconds each time member will write down as many single digit numbers as possible. At the conclusion of the 42 seconds, the Official Team Keeper will be named the Score Keeper.

Section 4 Official Time Keeper
The Official Time Keeper will be selected by his proximity to a notepad and a time keeping device. If multiple Team members have a notepad and time keeping device, the meeting host will become the Official Time Keeper. If the meeting is held in neutral territory, the meeting host will be determined by proximity to each members home.

Section 5 Number Tasks
The Score Keeper will number each of the tasks. The first number will be one and the last number will be in accordance with the number of tasks as defined in section 1. The tasks will be numbered at random, and no one (with the exception of the Score Keeper) will be allowed to see the tasks.

Section 6 Qualifying Round
A lightening round of Paper, Rock Scissors (PRS) will be held. Each Team Member and Expedition Guest will play one hand of PRS with the Score Keeper. If there are extra tasks (see section 1), Jim will play multiple times in the round. If no one beats the score keeper, and no one ties, the round will be repeated. If no one beats the score keeper, and there is one tie, that person will receive the top seed in the tournament. If only once person beats the Score Keeper, they shall receive the top seed in the tournament. If multiple people beat the Score Keeper, or if no one beats the Score Keeper and multiple people tie the Score Keeper, only those people that won or tied will continue to play the Score Keeper. The same rules will apply as stated previously until a winner is determined. That person will receive the #1 seed.

If one person beats the Score Keeper, and one person ties the Score Keeper and everyone else looses to the Score Keeper, the person that beat the Score Keeper will be granted the number 1 seed and the person that tied will become the number 2 seed. If one person beats the Score Keeper and multiple people tie the Score Keeper, the ties will be counted as losses for the people playing the Score Keeper, and they shall not be awarded seeding at this time.

Once the number one seed, and possibly the number two seed, have been determined. The above procedure will be repeated for the number two, three, etc, seeding in the tournament.

Section 7 Tournament Byes
If the number of Team Members and Expedition Guests warrant it, first round byes may be given in the tournament to individuals in order of seeding.

Section 8 Order of Play
The order of play will be determined by the top two seeds that are playing in the first round (ie, if the #1 seed has a bye, they will not be involved in the Order of Play). A coin will be flipped by the Score Keeper to determine order of play. The person playing in the first round with the highest seeding will call the coin in the air. Failing to call the coin before it hits the ground will result in a "do-over". Two "do-overs" will be allowed. If the coin hits the ground a third time without the higher seed "calling it" the higher seed will forfeit his turn and the coin will be passed to the next highest seed.

Order of play will then alternate between the two sections of the tournament, beginning with the highest seed and working down.

Section 9 Tournament Play

The Tournament will played with PRS matches. Each match will consist of one round, winner advances, looser does not. Rounds will be played until a clear winner is determined. At the conclusion of the tournament, conseletion matches will be held to determine order or play for third order and below.

Section 10 Selection of Numbers

The winner of the tournament will select a number one through the number of tasks (as outlined in section 1). Each person will select a number in the order of their tournamemnt finish. Once everyone has selected a number, the process (beginning with Section 6) will be repeated as necessary until all numbers are picked.

Jan 16, 2008

Winter Expedition Planning

The 2nd expedition planning meeting was held at the Expedition Headquarters. The following has been decided:

1. The time of departure will depend on Dave's schedule. We will either leave Thursday evening or early Friday morning.

2. Grittman will be the official guest, membership pending.

3. The following ice safety items will be researched:
Emergency Survival Kit - Grittman
Pulling somone out of the ice that has fallen in - Chad
Warming someone up after an ice emergency - Zach
Where to go after the ice emergency - Cory
Preventing the ice emergency - Dave
Getting through the ice quickly - Jim

4. The research is due at the Team 42 meeting on January 30th

5. At the meeting on January 30th the emergency research will be compiled. Emergency procedures will be created and an emergency kit will be prepared. Procedures will be practiced at another time. The meeting will be broadcast via webcam.

6. Two travel areas for the trip have been proposed. Dave will get BWCA maps and the trip route will be selected at the January 30th meeting.

7. Dave & Jim will both be required to purchase webcams before the January 30th meeting. Cory already has one.

8. Cory is going to work on identity design.

Side Note: This Saturday will be the coldest day of the year. The entire team (FYI Jim) will be camping to celebrate.

Jan 5, 2008

Looks great! Nice work Cory!

Jan 4, 2008

Team 42

Welcome to the official Team 42 Web Log (or blog as Cory calls it). We are a team based in the Midwest that goes on various outdoor expeditions. We were unofficially formed in 2000 when we went backpacking in the Rocky Mountains. Our team became "Team 42" last winter during a winter hiking expedition. We have five active members and occasionally have a guest attend an expedition with us. Our members live in Buffalo, Monticello and Bemidji, Minnesota and Grand Forks, North Dakota.

To date we have been backpacking in the Colorado Rockies, Desolation Wilderness (near Lake Tahoe), the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCAW), the Lake Superior Hiking Trail and the Black Hills of South Dakota. We have also been on canoeing and kayaking trips. Our trips run year round, including winter trips to the BWCAW.

We also go an numerous weekend excursions in the area. The three members of Team 42 that live in the Buffalo/Monticello, Minnesota area go on at least one weekend excursion per month, often with the local Boy Scout troop.

Coming up next weekend we will be heading out for a weekend trip to build and sleep in snow quincey's. Our big winter trip is scheduled for February where we will be hiking in the BWCAW with our sleds that we pull behind us. In May we are planning an Isle Royale trip. In August we will be backpacking in Colorado again, and we will have a fall trip that has yet to be determined. Further off in the horizon is an Alaska wilderness adventure which is planned for August/September of 2009.


The Official Web Log of Team Forty Two

Welcome to the Official Web Log (also known as a "blog") of Team Forty Two.  This "blog" will contain detailed information about our expeditions, including gear lists, photographs, and expedition member commentary.