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Dec 3, 2009

Membership Stipulations

Just thinking...

Regarding the membership requirments of participating in at least 2 TEAM 42 Expeditions a year - Since TEAM 42 is Minnesota based I think there should be an out of state clause requiring 1 TEAM 42 Expedition a year.


  1. You could lead a TEAM 42 Expedition out west. It's just on the rest of us to show up! In other words, you don't need us there for it to count.

    I think the point that was being made was that we as a TEAM lose credibility when there are expedition members that don't expedition.

  2. dave are there members you would like to remove from T.E.A.M. 42 to increase "credibility"?

  3. Not necessarily. It was brought up on the last trip that there are people that don't go expeditioing at all, so maybe they shouldn't be on the TEAM. It was discussed at length on the trip.

  4. And I like how I am getting all the credit/flack for something that wasn't even my idea. Don't shoot the messenger!
