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Jun 2, 2008

Alcohol Stove-1st Attempt

I made my first successful aluminum alcohol stove the other day. Supplies include: 2 bottoms of cans (1 Coors Light can bottom & 1 pop can bottom), 2 cans for wind guard, and 2 aluminum pot pie tins (1 for priming & 1 for boiling water). I used 3 caps full of alcohol and was able to get a small boil in 10 minutes. I got a rolling boil in 13 minutes and that is also when my stove burned out. I boiled 1 cup of water (which is what the pot pie tin will hold). Unfortunately, I lost about a quarter cup of water due to evaporation while heating the water. I have some work to do, but this is a good start.

In response to Grittsman's response, I am thinking a new location in MN is a good plan. A short time with Google search, I was able to find a couple new locations. Only one stood out though, and it was the Pow Wow trail in the BWCAW. It is a 27 mile loop. It looks like fun and we could hike it on a weekend trip.

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