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Mar 2, 2010

Expedition Route

Route Planned! I think it's a pretty well balanced route with a lot of small lakes and a couple larger ones. We'll be going in on Moose and hiking North, then East before coming back going South and then West. Here's how the trip plays out:

Day 1 - Depart TEAM42 Headquarters at 5:00am. Arrive Moose lake trailhead, hike 3+ miles to campsite on Newfound lake.

Day 2 - Hike north to Birch Lake. Hike east across Birch, possibly crossing into Ontario, and ending at a campsite on Frog Lake to the South. 7+ miles.

Day 3 - Hike south across Esign Lake and then follow some other small lakes south and then west. End at campsite on Abinoji Lake. 7+ miles.

Day 4 - Hike Southwest over Boot Lake and then a bitch of a day hiking across Snowbank. End at campsite on the east end of the lake. 7+ miles.

Day 5 - Hike west, Portage to Flash Lake (140 rods), cross Flash and then portage (250 rods) to Moose Lake. 2 miles.

The best part of the route is that we'll be able to easily adjust it without turning back. There are a couple of spots where we could either lengthen the trip or shorten it up based on how we are traveling. See you on the trail!

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