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Nov 8, 2009

Thanksgiving Hike

What dates are we planning for our Thanksgiving trip? It'd be nice to know so I can take the right days off from work. Also, we should probably figure out a place to meet. If we are going with the Centenial Trail and the Black Elk Wilderness there is supposed to be a Trail Head off of Hwy 16 a few miles North of the wilderness. There is also a trail head and campground just north of the wilderness off of 244 just pass Mt. Rushmore. Any input?

1 comment:

  1. The plan so far is to meet at the trailhead around 10 or 11 am Thanksgiving morning so we can have our annual turkey dinner (with 2 pies that jimstrom caries). We will hike Thursday, Friday, & Saturday, ending our trip sometime on Sunday, using Monday to travel back to our respective homes.

    As far as where we enter the trail, I don't really care. I guess I would vote for whichever is easiest to get to and will give us the best trail. Keep in mind that we should have a campsite fairly close to the trailhead for our short hike on Thursday.

    Also, we will have at least 2 cars there, so we do have the option of doing a one way hike if that can work and drop a car off at the end of our hike route.
