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Dec 24, 2009

Meeting Location

I have put together this map to evaluate our options for where the January meeting should be held.

The orange symbols represent where the five people that will be attending the winter trip live.

The green dot is the original proposed location.  As you can see, from strictly a geography standpoint, it makes little sense to hold the meeting there.

The pink dot is the location where it would be an equal drive for each of the participants.  The pink dot is not located close to any one person, but it would be equally inconvenient for all.  The location of the pink dot is just outside McCarthy Lodge at Stearns.

In statical analysis, it is often times necessary to remove any data points that fall outside the standard deviation.  For that reason I removed the orange symbol in St. Cloud to come up with the location that is the most convenient for the greatest number of people.  This dot, the blue dot, is located in Roger Miller's front yard.

I hope this information is useful as we look to plan our meeting.

Team 42 is AWESOME!

First off, Dave, nice work on the website and timeline. But, on the Feb. '07 trip Zach is listed twice and I am not on the list at all... please fix immediately.

Second, we are talking about dates for the BWCAW winter expedition quite a bit lately I see. I have spoken to GrittSman and we were thinking sometime in Feb. becuase it will still be cold but not bitterly cold. I think, if memory serves me correctly, GrittSman would prefer early Feb.

My opinion is that Mar. is too late and TOO WARM! Too warm would be a problem with the snow situation!

Third, I would be fine with the meeting being held on Jan. 16. To be completely fair I think we should have the meeting somewhere between Buffalo and Monticello.

To be a little bias, I think we should hold the meeting in Buffalo seeing how I have no way of getting to a meeting elsewhere.

Happy Holidays and Hiking,

Chad, T42

Dec 18, 2009

Site Updated (Again)

A Trail Register has been added to the site.  Jump on over there and sign it!

Dec 16, 2009

JMT Anybody?

I've been looking at hiking the John Muir Trail the first 2 weeks in August. If anybody wants to join me I need to know soon, a few weeks, so I can get permits. I've also got a number of other weekend trips in the planning stages, I'll post more about them when I get some details figured out.

If no one can make the JMT I hope it to be a TEAM 42 sponsered event. Also, I don't belive I will make the Jan meeting but give me a call if you need some additional input.


T.E.A.M. 42 Meeting

On Saturday January 16th (or Saturday January 30th if there is a scout event on Saturday January 16th) there will be a T.E.A.M. 42 meeting at Granite City Restaurant & Brewery in St. Cloud (3945 2nd Street South, St Cloud, MN) at 7pm.

Please let me know via comment or e-mail ( if you will be attending. You are also welcome to call me.

Main topic on the table will be
-Seeing each other's faces
-Is T42 ready for the February (or March) BWCAW trip?
-What are we doing in May?
-presentation and open discussion on the Future (next 3 years) logo of T42
-awards and recognition
-How will T42 adapt to changes?

Dec 3, 2009

Membership Stipulations

Just thinking...

Regarding the membership requirments of participating in at least 2 TEAM 42 Expeditions a year - Since TEAM 42 is Minnesota based I think there should be an out of state clause requiring 1 TEAM 42 Expedition a year.

In My Pack - The Essentials Bag

This is the first part of a several part series on what I have in my pack. Hopefully it will spark some debate and show people some ways to save on weight.

I have a bag called my "essentials" bag. It contains the following:

1. Small waterproof bag
2. Black Diamond Ion Headlamp
3. Mini Pack towl
4. Spare camera battery
5. Journal
6. Pen
7. Personal first aid kit
8. 30' of lightweight tent line
9. spare Ion batter
10. Water purification tablets
11. Moleskin
12. Soap leafs
13. Aveda Lipsaver, wrapped with dental floss and a sewing needle (already threaded)
14. Head of a toothbrush
15. Baking Soda (for brushing teeth
16. Listerine strips (for killing the baking soda taste.
17. Matches with two strikers
18. Two small fire starters

This kit weighs in at 11.9 oz. It's not everything I carry on me, but it's what I have in this kit. Depending on the season and the area being hiked, I'll add bug spray and sunscreen.

Dec 1, 2009

Check it out!

It's up and running, but has a long way to go.