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Feb 26, 2008


Make sure to adhere to this rule.  It is the basis of Team Forty Two's expeditions:

Never wear a day hat to bed.  Never wear a night hat during the day.

It's just ridiculous.  You'll look really stupid.

Also, you must have a tassel on your day hat

Otherwise you will look really stupid.

Feb 24, 2008

Trip Preperations


I took the new sled harness and new snowshoes out on Saturday for a test run. Things were mostly positive. The sled harness as inspired by Chad was great for going up and down hills. The only downfall is that I can not ride on the sled, 'Lindstromstyle'.

After the test I did make two upgrades.

  1. I bought some nifty suspenders to keep the hip belt up, the sled was pulling it down.
  2. I got a new clasping system for the belt so it will meet the 'quick release' requirements of Team 42.


Meals are fully prepared. I'll be dining on:

Breakfast (all):

  • Eggs
  • Spicy Sausage
  • Hash browns
  • Oatmeal

Lunch (all):

  • Beef Jerky
  • Chewy Bars
  • Gummy Bears

Dinner 1:

  • Shrimp & Lobster Alfredo w/noodles

Dinner 2:

  • Chicken & Stuffing

Dinner 3:

  • Meat & Cheese Stuffed Ravioli & Meat Balls

Remember, when you freeze the meals lay them flat. That way multiple meals will be able to be cooked at the same time. Use Ziploc freezer bags (Glad bags suck & storage bags leak). A quart size bag will be large enough for any personal meal. If you decide that you need a gallon of food, you will have to eat last while the rest of us prepare our meal!



I'll bring maps, a tent for Cory and myself, stove, shovel.

How much fuel should I bring? I have quite a few fuel bottles and can bring whatever is needed.

If we go as last year, Zach & Jim will both bring stoves, Cory a garbage can lid, Jim an ice chisel. Anything I'm missing?

Expedition Away!

Feb 21, 2008


Since I'm traveling for work next week, I've got a Sunday deadline to be ready for the expedition. To update:
  • I have prepared the expedition maps with our route marked.
  • I have come up with a route to get to the entry point.
Friday is cooking day, I'll be preparing all of my meals. I also got some desert for everyone for one of the days.

Sunday I'll be making an REI run if anyone wants to come. I need to get some new titanium tent stakes and a new stuff sack for my tent.


Feb 20, 2008

The Greatest Thing That Has Ever Happened!

Dear Team Forty Two Expeditionary Friends,

Barb Hanus (or B.H. Anus, as I call her) decided to knock back our project presentation until after we break for spring... so I can friggen' go!
Things I am looking forward to:
  • Going to bed at eight
  • Gourmet boiled foods
  • Pooping in a frozen toilet
  • Having frozen facial hair
  • Poles
Expedition, away!

ALSO: What to do after falling through the ice!

Step 1: Be pulled (from a distance) or roll away from the hole.  Don't step up right away, as the ice surrounding the hole will be weakened.  Be sure you are several feet from the hole.

Step 2: Retrace your footsteps.  The only known "safe" area is the area which was previously traveled.  Get to shore A.S.A.P!

Step 3: Warm up!  Severe hypothermia is inevitable, unless treated immediately.  Get out of your wet clothing, and set up camp or a shelter.  Dry off and get into a sleeping bag, and if need be, share body warmth with a fellow expedition member.

Feb 18, 2008

The Worst Thing That Has Ever Happened

My dearest Team Forty Two expeditionary friends,

Unfortunately, I am unable to attend our February expedition, due to school screwing up my life.  I have a presentation on March 3rd, which I can not miss.

I know this means a possible suspension from the starting lineup of Team 42, however, as a sign of good faith, I will not shave my beard (pictured below) until the team has returned home from the expedition.

One Who is a Winner (but apparently not in this case)

(Me frowning)

Feb 16, 2008

Base Camp Beta

Unfortently Base Camp Beta is in the process of closing down. It's likely not to recieve Team 42 again.

Feb 14, 2008

Beard of Power

Unfortenetly I will be beardless for this expedition. Fortenetly it's for a good reason. I have a job interview the day before our trip. I think I'll do better with cunning sideburns. The spirit of the beard will be there though.

Feb 13, 2008

Chad's sled harness

I have completed a step by step guide on how I created my new sled harness. Just check out the album on my facebook page. Enjoy!

Feb 12, 2008


Cory - Good thing we're not playing Van Survivor, or you would be voted off for your lack of participation.

Everyone else (& Cory)

1. Ice picks, screwdrivers, devices to help you get out the ice important. Get or make a pair. Courtesy Minnesota DNR.

2. 50 feet of rope, with a Bowline tied on the end that is easily accessible in your sled is required.

3. Chad, post pictures of your sled already. People have limited time to copy your awesome idea.

4. We are going to meet at the Two Harbors Pizza Hut at 7:00 am sharp on Friday 2/29/08. Question: How are you using your extra day in 2008? Answer: Walking across a frozen lake in freezing temperatures with a sled tied around my waste.

5. Ensure your sled harness is a quick release. If your sled goes under, it doesn't need to pull you down. We'll come back in the spring in canoes looking for gear. we'll hold a Team 42 pancake breakfast to help recoup lost gear costs.

6. Lets all get in touch before the big trip and ensure everyone is on the right path. Team 42 away!

Feb 6, 2008

My Recent Absence as of Late

Dear fellow Team 42'ers,

I apologize for my lack of Team 42 participation lately.  My schedule this semester is driving me crazy, and I have been consistently spending 10+ hour days on campus, on top of going home and doing work there.

Anyways, looking forward to the trip.

Expedition, away!

Feb 5, 2008


Heres a good site to check out. It has a lot of wilderness quotes from all sorts of people.